I provide mainly in-person sessions, and occasional video therapy. (I prefer an in-person connection, whenever possible.)
If you are calling to request an initial phone consultation, my voicemail is updated regularly and can provide an accurate indication of my availability, and if I am accepting new patients.
Please call (707) 509-5800 for more details.
Dr. Kathy Allard
License: PSY 16184
My psychotherapy office is located in Sonoma, California:
710 West Napa Street
Sonoma, CA 95476
Feel free to reach me either by phone (707) 509-5800, or you can fill out the form below and I will reach out to you. Thank you for your interest.
“It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.”
— Agnes Repplier
Serving residents of Sonoma & Napa Counties in California